12 Ensemble's 2017 film collaboration with choreographer Alexander Whitley is now available to watch online. Set to John Woolrich’s composition Ulysses Awakes (after Monteverdi), dancer Sakeema Crook tells the story of Ulysses waking up on unknown shores, longing for their homeland.
The score is performed by Simon Rowland-Jones (viola) and the 12 Ensemble. The recording features on 12 Ensemble's debut album Resurrection, released in 2018. The film was created as part of a Britten Pears Arts residency where the ensemble, choreographer and dancer spent a week working intensively on this contemporary collaboration, creating both the film version alongside a live performance dance piece. The ensemble have performed the work live with film at the Barbican's 2018 Sound and Visions festival and as part of the ensemble's 2018 REBORN tour with performances at Manchester's Stoller Hall, St George's Bristol and Barbican's Milton Court.
The making of the film was supported by Arts Council England and The Carne Trust.
Choreographer: Alexander Whitley
Dancer: Sakeema Crook
Film Producers: Max Ruisi & Eloisa-Fleur Thom
Director: Dom Hicks
DOP: Derk Russell
Cam AC: Brandon Harvey
Drone Op: Olly Sugars
Costume Design: Roni Ilan
Set Design & Construction: William Green
Film Editor: Jack Singer
Musicians on set:
Eloisa-Fleur Thom, Venetia Jollands, Roberto Ruisi, Guy Button, Tetsuumi Nagata, Asher Zaccardelli, Jenny Lewisohn, Max Ruisi, Sergio Serra , Toby Hughes, Siret Lust
Sound Engineer and Editor: Stephen Harrington
Record Producer: Michael Ponder
12 Ensemble;
Eloisa-Fleur Thom, Alessandro Ruisi, Amy Tress, Roberto Ruisi, Guy Button, Beatrice Phillips, Elitsa Bogdanova, Max Ruisi, Sergio Serra, Andy Marshall ​